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Student Life

At ALBC we believe in the importance of being skillful in sharing the gospel. Our students will graduate fully equipped, having already led people to Jesus. Students will participate in weekly soul-winning training, and will also have the opportunity to work side by side with experienced ministers, evangelists, and leaders in local outreaches and crusades.

Students of ALBC will be required to serve in the helps ministry at Abundant Life Church (or their local church if within 40 miles of our campus). There will be many opportunities for the student to learn how ministry works in the local church through various departments, such as Ushering, Media Team, Security, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Greeters, and more.
Abundant Life Church offers a wide variety of exciting conferences every year. There is something for everyone and the students of ALBC are required to attend at least two (2) conferences per school year and are encouraged to attend as many as possible. Students will get instruction and impartation for their walk with God in these targeted meetings.

Abundant Life Church has been a part of world missions for over 3 decades. Multiple mission trips are offered every year to places such as: Peru, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and more. These trips are available to our students and they are encouraged to participate. Those who go will get to be a part of crusades, children’s ministry, street evangelism, work projects and so much more.
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